Friday, September 16, 2005

Missing work

There are 52 weeks in a year. A standard work-week is 5 days.
52*5=260 days
There are 7 (or so) standard holidays in a year.
Paid vacation days usually total 5 to 10 days/year.
Let's take the high-side for the purpose of the following discussion.
243 days/year a person is expected to work.

People who miss work annoy me. I can understand if the missing is caused by a legitimate illness. I am not unsympathetic.

HOWEVER, I know a number of people who abuse the system. One person I know misses EVERY Monday. So much so that her supervisor made the comment "She won't be in today. She never feels well on Mondays." Furthermore, she will then take a day or two the same week to attend a function that her daughter is involved in. Do schools really schedule functions during the workday? This makes no sense to me.

Another girl that I know has not worked a full week this year. Every time I turn around she has taken another day for some fictitious ailment. Every headache is a migraine. Every tummy ache is an ulcer. Every pain requires a battery of tests that require more days off or more leaving early.

I once had an employee who missed more than 3 months of work. None of it consecutively. Most of it for false reasons. He was a great employee...when he was there. To add insult to injury, his kids were his excuse to stay home. Top that with the fact that his wife did not work. She was home with the kids.

All of these people rant about the review they never get because they expect raises.
When they get their reviews they are shocked that their employer doesn't see them as an exemplary employee. They are shocked that their raises, if any, are minimal.

I have never met one of these people who had any idea the impact of their absence.

I am that diligent worker who takes up the slack. I am the one who is always there. I am the one who feels guilty when I take one day off because I worry about my co-workers having to shoulder my load.
Trust that I hold a grudge.

I have also noticed that the younger set has very little work ethic when it comes to time off.

And another thing, the younger set doesn't seem to have much sense. (Is this me getting older?) We've gone through a number of temps who do not know how to FILE.
What's up with that? What kind of common sense do you have to lack for FILING to be confusing? "I'm not even going to think about what they're NOT teaching you in school."
Sigh. That's a whole different rant!